My 2023 Goals: Personal and Business

We had quite the Christmas break. Friday before Christmas everything was canceled for the winter storm we had. We went over to family’s to play games and hang out, and I had some tea. My son was on his lap and pulled the mug onto his lap and got burnt so bad! It was horrible. It has taken a lot of time and energy to take care of him, and THEN we got the stomach bug.

I ended up skipping a week of the podcast over the holidays with everything going on, so lesson learned: batch your content. I’m sure you’ve heard it before, and I’m here to tell you there’s a good reason why! I’m definitely prioritizing batching content for the new year.

Diving into today’s topic: Goals! I’m an Enneagram 3 so I love all the to do lists and goal-setting. I don’t really set resolution, in the “new year, new me” way. But I LOVE having goals in place. There’s probably some overlap with resolutions there, but there’s a difference for me. With that being said, here are my personal and business goals for the year!


Personal Goals

I want to put more time and energy into my personal life, especially after my first couple years in business. It takes a lot of time and energy to start a business (if you know, you know), so it’s time! Last year I got back into reading and read 50 books. My goal for this year is 100 books! It’s one of my favorite ways to wind down, so that’s what I’ll be doing in the evenings and on the weekend. I’m not huge into movies, tv, sports, etc.

One thing I didn’t do as much last year was read nonfiction, so this year some of my 100 books will be business, history, etc. I also want to read the Bible front to back. I’ve read all of it at some point but not cover-to-cover.

Along the lines of health and nutrition, I have fallen really behind on where I want to be. It’s mainly since I was pregnant with Liam. I have horrible pregnancies, so I stopped working out and eating well and have kept up those habits.

But I just know that when I eat better, I feel and function better. If I nourish my body and eat what I should, and fuel it the way it needs to be fueled, I’ll be a better wife. A better mom. A better leader. A better business owner. I’ll just be able to show up so much better. I really want to prioritize that this year. Getting back to pre-pregnancy weight and being able to run 12 miles over the weekend are part of that, but more so I just want to feel better.

I want to do more spontaneous adventures with my kids! Going to parks, exploring the woods and creeks, etc. I might try to do the 1,000 hours outside challenge. Liam is a year and able to walk, so it can be so fun! We’re buying a 70-something acre farm and are looking to homestead, and I’m looking to step up my game in that area. I’m excited to garden and be more self sufficient, outside, and be with the kids.


Business Goals

Of course, we want to continue to treat our clients the best. They are AMAZING and so I want to continue to treat them like royalty. We’re continually unleveling our client journey (they’re getting a fun little packing in January that’s not your typical bookkeeping service)! I recently released a personal and business budget templates (as part of my Marketplace) and plan to continue to add resources and support for clients and business owners.

I’m also planning to grow our team. We’re looking at adding probably 2 new bookkeepers in 2023. Growing our team will help us to be able to serve our clients better! Speaking of team… we’re doing a team retreat this summer. I am SO excited. I have the Airbnb booked (it’s been saved for so long, and I’m excited to finally use it) and it is going to be amazing.

We want to grow, and hit that 40% growth margin. From 2021-22, we did about 60% growth. The average is probably around 20% growth for business but I want to shoot a little bit higher. I have a revenue goal, and of course I already have my plan and projections mapped out (using my spreadsheet).

This year I am also launching a Mentorship Program. I currently have 3 people in a beta round, and we’re seeing really good results. It’s going to be for business owners who want someone to ask questions to, meet with, and have a mentor. You’ll meet with me a couple times a month, have Voxer support, and walk through growing your team model structure.


There you have it, those are my personal and business goals for 2023. I’d love to hear what yours are (business, personal, financial) as well! Find me on IG and let me know what your goals are, whether paying off your mortgage, debt, a certain revenue goal, etc. Happy New Year!


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